Wednesday, April 11

Sex is for losers

Esto lo escribió mi sobrino, en una de sus animaciones tipo japonés, que la verdad cada vez que veo, me doy cuenta que estoy más alejado de mi adolescencia

This movies explores the beauty of masturbation. Masturbations is better than sex. Sex is for losers. Who needs sex anyways.

Masturbation is the manual excitation of the sexual organs, most often to the point of orgasm. It can refer to excitation either by oneself or by another (see mutual masturbation). It is part of a larger set of activities known as autoeroticism, which also includes the use of sex toys and non-genital stimulation. There are also masturbation machines used to simulate intercourse. Masturbation and sexual intercourse are the two most common sexual practices, but they are not mutually exclusive (for example, many people find the sight of their partner masturbating highly erotic). Some people are able to achieve orgasm only through masturbation and not sexual intercourse. In the animal kingdom, masturbation has been observed in many mammalian species, both in the wild and in captivity.

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Bueno, no pude evitar recordar la primera que supe que mi mano amiga estaría ahí siempre que necesitara autosatisfacerme, y esto fué en el baño de mi abuelita, allá en Cananea, viendo una foto de Charlie Massó en una tanga roja. No encontré la foto original, pero fué agradable darme cuenta que no estaba yo tan errado...

Saturday, April 7

Tienes que ver esto ;)

Todavía no decido cual de las 2 me gustó más... Tarantino rules!